Cantwell's Market

Listing Agent:
Andy Adler
More Agent Listings
 (805) 722-2640  (800) 695-2639
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Property Description:

Cantwell’s Market & Deli
1533 State Street & 11 West Arrellaga
Downtown Santa Barbara, California

Cantwell’s has been an established market & deli landmark in downtown Santa Barbara since 1981. It is no wonder Cantwell’s serves up to 1,200 patrons a day; the world’s best sandwiches are served here, the menu is novel and fresh, and service is lightning fast! Additionally, Cantwell’s easy vehicular access from State Street and its close proximity to many local businesses creates an ever-bustling shopping atmosphere.
Sale includes a successful business, real estate consisting of 2 buildings and plans for a 41,000 Sq.Ft. development capitalizing on the existing business.
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Cantwell’s Market & Deli
2850 Lillie Avenue
Summerland, California
Cantwell’s Summerland Market offers a delightful shopping & dining experience off Highway 101 just south of Santa Barbara, California. Its close proximity to the coast makes it a favorite for beach-goers as well as local clientele.
One of Southern California’s “must see” marketplaces, Cantwell’s Summerland Market serves a variety of imported cheeses, natural foods, fresh meats, and exotic deli items. The store is completely new from top to bottom.
Dining inside or out has an upscale country feel, seemingly from an era gone by. The botanical picnic area offers a great “Kodak moment”, remembered by all who visit.
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