3790 Roblar Avenue :: Santa Ynez

Listing Agent:
Carey Kendall, Associate Broker
More Agent Listings
 (805) 689-6262  (805) 688-1620
DRE #: 00753349
List Price:



Santa Ynez

Property Description: MLS # 197039 & 13-1771

All this on 5 acres!

A gated ranch estate with an updated, Spanish style 4 bedroom home with separate office, formal dining room, large kitchen and family room, and below ground wine room.

A trellised porch on the south side of the home overlooks a fabulous Ken Delunas Pool, Spa and Koi Pond and then beyond, a large riding arena.

There is an 8 stall shed row barn and a large car / shop barn in addition. The horses are turned out in fenced sand and grass paddocks.

The five acres is all useable and the estate is well located in Santa Ynez Valley, on a private water system and offers tremendous views to the coastal mountain ranges and large Santa Ynez Valley AG fields.

•  Great Room: 27 x 17
•  Kitchen: 21 x 17
•  Dining Room: 13 x 16
•  Office: 12 x 14
•  Master Bedroom: 18 x 18
•  Bedroom 2: 19 x12
•  Bedroom 3: 12 x 17 with a 4 x 6 alcove
•  Bedroom 4: 12 x 1
•  (1) Master Bath: has full complement of a steam shower with multiple heads
•  (1) Full Bath
•  (1) ¾ Bath
•  (1) ½ Bath
•  10 Stall Shed Row Barn
•  Large Car / Shop Barn has 3 bonus rooms inside

All information provided is deemed reliable, but has not been verified and we do not guarantee it.
We recommend that buyers make their own inquiries.