633 Tabor Lane :: Montecito/Santa Barbara

Listing Agent:
Wade Hansen
More Agent Listings
 (805) 563-8002
List Price:




2 ½
Property Description: MLS # 11-2687

First-time offered, mid-century home with upside potential on flat acre in prime location, guest suite & studio each with private entrance. Landscape includes circular driveway, mature oaks & sycamores, orchard and seasonal creek.

Built in 1948, occupied by the same family, this offering is an Estate Trust Sale, no court confirmation.  It presents a unique opportunity to remodel the existing house or purchase the property for the land to build a new home.  Price is well below the recent appraisal to accomodate buyers' interest in the project.

Montecito Union School District; quiet cul de sac country lane.  All inspection documents and Permit/Land-Use Planning report available.  Montecito sanitary district hooked up.